Solaris 11 IPS

To successfully complete provisioning, Solaris 11 Build Plans require an IPS repository that is accessible through HTTP in addition to the installation media.

Note You must use a dedicated IPS server. Serving a local file-based repository through HTTP using a generic server (e.g. Apache, Nginx) is not supported.

The simplest Solaris 11 IPS solution is to use the central Solaris 11 IPS repository, available at:

However, you may want to host an in-house repository for performance, package validation before entering production, inclusion of custom packages etc. See the instructions for setting up and administering a local repository at:

In addition to these instructions, HPE recommends setting up a reverse caching proxy on top of your local IPS server. Performance testing has shown that a non-cached IPS server cannot successfully provide packages to more than five simultaneous Solaris 11 deployments.