General options

The following general options enable you to select your default core:

Core server defaults

Specify the port number of the SA Client host that you log into by default. The default port is 443.


This option enables you to configure the caching of data displayed inside the SA Client. You can configure the following cache settings:

  • Check for updates every <xx> minute(s): This enables you to enter a value for how many minutes will lapse before the cache is refreshed.

    Enter a time interval for how often you want the SA Client to check the core for new compliance information. This check applies to all information accessed from the core by the SA Client, not just to compliance information. A longer interval increases the likelihood that the information you are viewing is out of date. A shorter interval increases network traffic flowing to and from your core—this means you are viewing more recent information. For more information, see Audit and compliance in the SA Administration guide.
  • Update Cache: This enables you to check instantly for new information from the core.
  • Reload Cache: This enables you to immediately reload (refresh) the cache.

Progress information

Check this option to show the progress of a job. When a job finishes, the Progress window closes.

‘Equals’ operator limit in search and reports

This sets limits on the number of available value selections in the Advanced Search and Reports interfaces. To prevent delays and excessive system load, the list of available values is not populated when the number of values exceeds this setting. Values are added by entering them in a text box.

Client default view

Specify which client you want to be the default view, SA or Application Deployment. See also "Application deployment" in the SA 10.51 Developer section.