Use > Server Automation > OGFS directories

OGFS directories

The SA Global File System (OGFS) is accessible from within a Global Shell session. Many directories contain similar files. The id file contains the Server Automation unique identifier (primary key) for the object represented by the directory. The attr directory contains text files that describe the attributes of the managed server. The info file is deprecated in Server Automation 6. Instead of the info file, use the files in the attr directory. The self file represents this specific server object (instance). The method directory contains executables that invoke the methods in the SA API. For details on the executables in the method directory, see the SA 10.51 Developer section.

In the directory listings that follow, the italicized text represents variable paths (specific instances of objects in the data model). For example, server-1 is the name of a specific managed server. The italicized text in parentheses contains comments.