Install > SA Core post-installation tasks > Installing the SA Server discovery and agent

Installing the SA Server discovery and agent

SA Client Server discovery and Agent installation identifies servers on your network that do not have Server Agents installed and installs (deploys) Agents onto those servers.

Enabling server discovery and agent installation for UNIX and Windows servers

During SA Core installation, the SA Installer automatically installs all required software to perform server discovery and Agent installation from UNIX and Windows hosts . No other configuration is required.

Launching the SA Web Client

To launch the SA Web Client:

  1. In a supported web browser, enter the following URL:


    where <SA_hostname> is the host name or IP address of the server on which you installed SA.

  2. The browser displays instructions for installing the required SA security certificate. The SA Web Client homepage appears.

Downloading and installing the SA Client launcher installation package


Note: The SA Client requires a Microsoft Windows-based system that is connected to the network on which SA is installed. The SA Client also requires that the Adobe Flash Player be installed for certain functions. See Installing the SA-required Flash Player for more information about installing the Flash Player for use with SA.

You must download and install the SA Client, which is required for most SA features.

  1. From the SA Web Client homepage, click on the Download Server Automation Client button.
  2. Save the file to a directory on your local hard drive.
  3. Double click the file to begin the installation and follow the on screen instructions.

Creating a user account with administrator privileges

Using the SA Client, you must create a new System Administrator user and assign the appropriate SA privileges.

See the "User and User Group Setup and Security" section in the SA 10.51 Administer section for instructions on creating new users.

Creating an SA user as a member of the Software policy setters and Software deployers user groups

This user has the privileges to scan your facility’s network for servers not yet managed by SA.

See the "User and User Group Setup and Security" section in the SA 10.51 Administer section for instructions on creating new users and adding users to user groups.

Granting the software policy setters and software deployers user groups the required facility privileges

See the "User and User Group Setup and Security" section in the SA 10.51 Administer section for instructions on granting privileges to user groups.

Scanning for unmanaged servers on your network

In this phase, you can use SA to scan your network to discover any servers not managed by SA. After SA discovers your unmanaged servers, you are given the choice to bring each server into the SA Managed Server Pool.

You can scan for unmanaged servers in several ways:

  • By specified IP addresses
  • By IP address ranges
  • Using pre-prepared lists of IP addresses

This section does not attempt to describe all methods, rather it uses a single method for simplicity. For more information about scanning for unmanaged servers (using SA server discovery and Agent installation), see the SA 10.51 Use section.

Perform the following tasks to scan for an unmanaged server on your network:

  1. Log on to the SA Client as the SA Superuser you created above by double clicking on the SA Client program file or shortcut.
  2. On the SA Client main screen, select the Devices tab and then select Unmanaged Servers in the navigation pane.

    Select unmanaged servers

  1. Select Explicit IPs/Hostnames from the drop down list to specify a list of specific IP addresses to scan, separated by spaces (commas not supported). For convenience, you can click the ellipsis (...) button to display a simple text editor that allows you to more easily enter multiple IP addresses. You can also save the file for future use. Clicking OK will cause the IP addresses you entered to populate the IP Address or Hostnames field.

    Specifying specific IP addresses or hostnames

  1. Click Scan to begin the scan for unmanaged servers.

    When the scan is complete, a list of discovered unmanaged servers is shown. SA displays each server’s:

    • status
    • IP address
    • host name
    • detected operating system
    • any open ports that can be used to connect to the server.

      Sample unmanaged server scan results

Bringing a server under SA management

  1. Select server(s) you want to manage with SA. The SA Client supports hot keys to make multiple selections.
  2. From the Actions menu, select Manage Server. The Manage Servers dialog box appears.

    Manage servers dialog

  1. Select a network protocol to use for connecting to the server from the drop-down list.

    In most cases, choosing Select Automatically to allow SA to select an appropriate protocol for each server is recommended.

    For VMware ESXi servers where the Linux-based service console (COS) has been removed, you must choose VMware ESX Web Services.

  2. Enter a username and password to use for logging into the managed server.

    Windows-based systems: log in using the Windows administrator username/password.

    UNIX-based systems: log in as a user with root privileges. If logging in as root is not permitted, select the Become root (UNIX) checkbox. Select Supply root password and enter the password or select Use sudo if sudo access is enabled for that account.

    If you log in using sudo, the sudo user’s configuration file (typically /etc/sudoers) must allow the account to run any command with root privileges. This is typically accomplished by using the “ALL” alias in the sudoers file.


If you are unable to bring the server under SA management by logging in as root, log in as a non-root user for agent deployment.
  1. Select Verify prerequisites, copy installer, and install agent.

    See the Server Discovery and Agent Installation section in the SA 10.51 Use section for more information.

  2. Accept the default Installer options.
  3. Click OK. SA performs the required actions on the selected unmanaged servers to bring them into the Managed Server Pool.
  4. The SA Client displays the results and updates the status icons for the new managed servers.

You can now use SA to manage these servers.