Use > Software management > Manage software packages > Deploy RPM packages > Use the native Zypper to remediate RPM packages

Use the native Zypper to remediate RPM packages

The native tool Zypper is used to analyze and install the phase of the remediation process on the managed server.

Server requirements

In order to work with Zypper, your managed server must be SuSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) 11 GA or later. This option is automatically selected when the managed server is SLES 11 GA ++ (no other remediation options are provided for the selection). The installed zypper version can be identified by running the following command in the command line:

zypper –version

For complete SA support and compatibility information for this release, see the HPE Server Automation Support and Compatibility Matrix .

In the SLES service pack upgrade process, all rpm packages from upgrade software policy have to be marked with the option Install RPM only if an earlier version is installed. See Setting Installation and Update Options for an RPM for more information.

Zypper requirements

For SLES 11 or newer, the analysis and remediation is performed using the native tool Zypper.

For working correctly with Zypper, the managed servers must have python-solv*.rpm or python-satsolver*.rpm (superseded by python-solv) and rpm-python installed.

Zypper restrictions

Zypper does not support :

–nodeps command-line option, as RPM does. This option is ignored during remediation, and remediated packages are remediated as regular packages.

On SLES 11 GA, Zypper does not support installation of packages with an epoch that is not zero (0).