Export examples

There are two types of export operations. A full export writes all the Application Deployment data that exists on this SA core to the specified XML file. A partial export writes only the information that pertains to the specified applications.

For a list of items that can be exported, see Working.

For a list of items that cannot be exported, see Special considerations.

Example 1: Full export

The following command will export all the Application Deployment on this SA core:

/opt/opsware/da/bin/admtool.sh -e --exportFile /tmp/myFullExportData.xml

Example 2: Partial export

The following command will export only MyAppA and MyAppB:

/opt/opsware/da/bin/admtool.sh -e --exportAppList "MyAppA;MyAppB" --exportFile /tmp/myPartialExportData.xml

Assuming that no changes were made to MyAppA or MyAppB since the previous import, the resulting <Applications> portion of the myPartialExportData.xml file would look like this:

<Applications> portion of the myPartialExportData.xml file would look like this:
			<Description>This is a new application - no conflict</Description>
			<Description>This application exists</Description>