Adding a rule exception to an audit

To create an audit rule exception, select any of the rules configured in your audit and using the Add Rule Exception window, associate them with a target server in the audit. When you run the audit, the selected rule and the target servers or snapshots associated with the rule will not be applied.

You can also apply rule exceptions to device groups. You can set the rule exception to run indefinitely, or to expire at some future point in time. You can add a comment to explain why you are creating the exception, and also associate a ticket ID with the exception.

Some audit rules and audit rule collections cannot be excepted. For more information, see Rules that cannot have exceptions.

To add a rule exception to an audit:

  1. Create an audit. For information see Creating an Audit.
  2. Configure audit rules for the audit.
  3. In the audit view pane on the left, select the Exception icon.
  4. From the content pane, click Add.


    You can also select any rule in the Audit window. Right-click and then select Add Exception. However, if the audit is referencing a linked audit policy, you cannot right-click a rule to add an exception.

  5. In the Add Exception window, from the Select Target Server section, select a server, multiple servers, or device groups to which you want to apply the rule exception.
  6. From the Select Rule section, select one or more rules you want to associate with the servers you selected in the previous step.
  7. (Optional) In the Reason for Exception section, add an explanation.
  8. (Optional) In the Ticket ID section, add the ticket ID associated with this exception.
  9. In the Expires section, either enter a date to indicate when the exception expires or select a date from the drop down list.
  10. When you are finished configuring the exception, click Add.
  11. You now see a list of rule exceptions that will be applied when you run the audit.