
The Compliance view for servers and groups of servers displays compliance for the following categories:

  • Audit: Audit compliance represents an aggregate of all audits that run on a recurring schedule and indicates whether or not the rules defined in a scheduled audit match what is installed and configured on a target server or servers.
  • Audit Policy: An audit policy is associated with a managed server via an audit. An audit links to an audit policy for the compliance rules and defines a list of multiple servers for which to verify the rules. Optionally, the audit can define a recurring schedule. An audit policy can contain other audit policies.
  • Software: Software compliance is determined by whether or not a software policy definition matches what is installed on a server. A software policy defines patches, packages, and application configurations, and scripts, including a host of other server objects, such as services, Windows registry, COM+, IIS Metabase, and so on. A software policy can also contain other software policies. See the "Software Management" section in the SA 10.51 Use section for more information.
  • Patch: Patch compliance is determined by whether or not the patch policy definition matches the patches that are installed on a server or group of servers. The Compliance view displays compliance information for Windows patches only. See "Server patching" in the SA 10.51 Use section for more information.
  • Patch compliance is not supported on ESXi servers.
  • Patch Policy: A patch policy defines the specific patches that must be installed on a computer.
  • Patch policies are not supported on ESXi servers.
  • Configuration: Configuration compliance is determined by whether or not the application configuration definition matches the configurations on a server or on a group of servers. An application configuration defines the configuration settings and values for application configuration files. Configuration compliance status is always an aggregation of all application configurations that are attached to the server. Individual status is not supported. See "Application configuration" in the SA 10.51 Developer section or more information. See also these sections: