Administer > Content utilities > IDK commands > ISMTool creation commands

ISMTool creation commands

This section describes the ISMTool commands that generate the ISM directory structure.


Create a new ISM, which consists of directory that contains subdirectories and files. The value of ISMNAME specifies the name of the newly-created ISM directory. The internal ISM name varies with the format of ISNAME.

For example, the following command creates an ISM directory called foobar. The internal name of the ISM is foobar and the initial version of the ISM defaults to 1.0.0.

% ismtool --new foobar

The next command creates an ISM directory called ntp-4.1.2. The internal name of the ISM is ntp and the initial version of the ISM is 4.1.2. Note that the internal name of the ISM does not include -VERSION.

% ismtool --new ntp-4.1.2

The name of the ISM directory is independent of the internal ISM name. For example, if the developer renames the ntp-4.1.2 directory to myntp, the internal name of the ISM is still ntp and the version of the ISM remains 4.1.2.

--pack ISMDIR

Creates a ZIP archive of the ISM contained in ISMDIR. The name of the archive will be <ismname-version>.ism. Note that the contents of ISMDIR must be less than 2GB. (If the size is greater than 2 GB, then use the zip or tar utility instead.) An example of --pack follows:


% ismtool --new tick
92 Chapter 7
% ismtool --version 3.14 tick
% ls
% mv tick spooon
% ls
% ismtool --pack spooon
% ls
spooon/ tick-3.14.ism


% ismtool --new tick
% ismtool --version 3.14 tick
% dir
11/21/2003 10:17a <DIR> tick
% move tick spoon
% dir
11/21/2003 10:17a <DIR> spoon
% ismtool --pack spoon
% dir
11/21/2003 10:17a <DIR> spoon
11/21/2003 10:17a 1,927,339 tick-3.14.ism

--unpack ISMFILE

Unpacks the ISM contained in the ZIP file named ISMFILE. The ISM is unpacked into the ISMDIR that was specified when the ISMFILE was created with the --pack command. The following example uses the ISMFILE created in the --pack example:


% ls
spooon/ tick-3.14.ism
% rm -rf spooon
% ls
% ismtool --unpack tick-3.14.ism
% ls
spooon/ tick-3.14.ism


% dir
11/21/2003 10:17a <DIR> spoon
11/21/2003 10:17a 1,927,339 tick-3.14.ism
% rmdir /s /q spoon
% dir
11/21/2003 10:17a 1,927,339 tick-3.14.ism
% ismtool --unpack tick-3.14.ism
% dir
11/21/2003 10:17a <DIR> spoon
11/21/2003 10:17a 1,927,339 tick-3.14.ism