Common Use Cases

The common provisioning method is by DHCP. If the Personalize Network Settings Step is integrated in the used Build Plan it will configure the target server (more specific the targeted interface/provisioning) with the default DHCP settings.

If the hpsa_netconfig Custom Attribute is specified then the step will apply the given network information.

For the Linux distributions there is no easy way to disable the IPv4 Stack. Thus the IPv4 information is suppressed and cleared by changing the BOOTPROTO directive value to "static" with no static information available. The "static" value is the same as "none" (as documented by Red Hat) but there where cases where the "none" value didn't do its job properly and did not clear the IPv4 information. For the Ubuntu distribution this is not the case. The configuration file does not support such a feature, but clearing up the IPv4 information from the configuration file will do the job.

Using the following values in hpsa_netconfig to configure a specific interface :

  • DHCP IPv4 only configuration

    "dhcpv4" : true
    "ipv6Autoconfig": false
    (no IPv6 static configuration)
    - will force IPv6 disabling on that specific interface.
    - will configure the interface to acquire IPv4 DHCP information
    || Linux
    | /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/{interface}/disable_ipv6 = 1
    | /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/{interface}/accept_ra = N/A
    || Windows
  • DHCP IPv6 only configuration

    "dhcpv4": false
    "ipv6Autoconfig": true
    - will remove all information related to IPv4 (NO routes, NO IPs)
    - will enable IPv6 based on information related to RA flags and DHCP
    || Linux
    | /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/{interface}/disable_ipv6 = 0
    | /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/{interface}/accept_ra = 2
    || Windows
  • IPv6 AutoConfig Enabled with a full static configuration for IPv6 & NO IPv4 configuration

    "dhcpv4": false ( IPv4 configuration does not influence the IPv6 one)
    "ipv6Autoconfig": true
    "staticNetworks": [ "FC00:341:1::5559/64" ]
    "ipv6gateway": "FC00:341:1:0:21F:6CFF:FE3D:FF"
    - will enable IPv6 based on static information but will keep/add the information from RA
  • IPv6 full static configuration & NO IPv4 configuration

    "dhcpv4": false ( IPv4 configuration does not influence the IPv6 one)
    "ipv6Autoconfig": false
    "staticNetworks": [ "FC00:341:1::5559/64" ]
    "ipv6gateway": "FC00:341:1:0:21F:6CFF:FE3D:FF"
    - will enable IPv6 based on static information
    || Linux
    | /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/{interface}/disable_ipv6 = 0
    | /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/{interface}/accept_ra = 0
    || Windows
    | Link Local will be available since this cannot be disabled in Windows.
  • Partial IPv6 static configuration (no prefix) and IPv6 AutoConfig Enabled & NO IPv4 configuration

    "dhcpv4": false ( IPv4 configuration does not influence the IPv6 one)
    "ipv6Autoconfig": true
    "staticNetworks": [ "FC00:341:1::5559" ]
    "ipv6gateway": "FC00:341:1:0:21F:6CFF:FE3D:FF"
    - will enable IPv6 based on static information AND on information from RA
    - the IPv6 network prefix will be taken from RA
  • Partial IPv6 static configuration (no prefix, no gateway) and IPv6 AutoConfig Enabled & NO IPv4 configuration

    "dhcpv4": false ( IPv4 configuration does not influence the IPv6 one)
    "ipv6Autoconfig": true
    "staticNetworks": [ "FC00:341:1::5559" ]
    - will enable IPv6 based on static information AND on information from RA
    - the IPv6 network prefix will be taken from RA
    - the IPv6 network gateway will be taken from RA
  • IPv4 static configuration & NO IPv6 configuration

    "dhcpv4": false ( IPv4 configuration does not influence the IPv6 one)
    "ipv6Autoconfig": false
    "staticNetworks": [ "" ]
    "ipv4gateway": ""
    "dnsServers": [ "" ]
    - will disable IPv6
    - will configure IPv4 based on static information
  • IPv4 static configuration & IPv6 static configuration and IPv6 AutoConfig Enabled

    "dhcpv4": false ( IPv4 configuration does not influence the IPv6 one)
    "ipv6Autoconfig": true
    "staticNetworks": [ "", "FC00:341:1::5559/64" ]
    "ipv4gateway": ""
    "ipv6gateway": "FC00:341:1:0:21F:6CFF:FE3D:FF"
    - will enable IPv6 module
    - will enable AutoConfig for IPv6
    - will configure IPv6 based on static information
    - will configure IPv4 based on static information