Services (Windows and Linux)

The Services window shows you a list of all running services on the selected managed server. Depending on the installed operating system, you can perform different operations on the services:

  • For Windows services, you can start, stop, pause, resume, and restart a service. You can also set the service to start manually, to start automatically when the system is rebooted, or to be disabled altogether.
  • For Linux servers (supported by Red Hat, SuSE and Ubuntu versions), you can perform any action that a particular service supports. Supported actions can vary based on the specified service, for example, start, stop, restart, condrestart, or status. You can also specify the run level for a service.

    Note that Upstart managed services, on Red Hat Enterprise Server 6 and Ubuntu 12.04, or systemd managed services, on Red Hat Enterprise Server 7, will only display the run level; not change it.

To perform an operation on a service, select the service and right-click.