Windows COM+ objects

This window displays a read-only view of all the COM+ objects on the selected managed server. In the Server Explorer window, the Views pane displays the following two folders for browsing COM+ objects:

  • All Objects: This is a flat list of all the COM+ objects on the managed server.
  • Component Categories: This contains an alphabetical list of all COM component categories.

To view the contents of a COM+ object:

  1. Select the All Objects or the Component Categories folder. In the Content pane, expand the folder until you reach an object.
  2. To view the contents of a COM+ object, from the Actions menu, select View Contents. The contents will then display.
  3. If the content of the COM+ object uses a different encoding, choose the appropriate encoding type from the Encoding drop-down list.
  4. You must have specific user permissions to view Windows COM+ objects. If you are unable to access the Windows Registry, contact your SA administrator.