Use > Request Fulfillment > Request Task workflow and user tasks > Apply a request task template

Apply a request task template

Security Role: Request Analyst

Templates enable you to quickly complete a request task record by automatically populating fields with the applicable information. You can apply a template when completing a request task if you are authorized to use that particular template.

Note Make sure that the “Supports Templates” option is enabled in the request task object.

To apply a template to a request task, follow these steps:

  1. Click Request Fulfillment > Search Request Tasks, enter your search criteria, and then click Search.

  2. Select the request task record to which you want to apply a template.
  3. From the request task record, click Apply Template. The Select Request Task Template wizard opens.

    Note The Apply Template action is available in the "Active" and "Review" phases. To run this action, you must have the “Update” right in the “Request Tasks” area.

  4. Click the template that you want to apply to the selected request task. You are returned to the selected request task record and the fields are automatically filled in with the values set in the template.

    Tip Users authorized to use this template can also modify the template to meet their needs.

  5. Modify other fields, as needed.
  6. Click Save & Exit.