Use > Service Desk (Streamlined Interaction) > Service Desk administration > Configure the Service Desk environment

Configure the Service Desk environment

Applies to User Roles:

System Administrator

To configure a Service Desk environment record, follow these steps:

  1. Click Service Desk > Administration > Environment.
  2. Configure the settings for your Service Desk environment.

    You can use the following table for more information on the options that you can set by selecting or clearing the check box:

    Check box Description
    Delay Assigning Interaction ID? If selected (set to true), prevents HPE Service Manager from assigning an identifier to the Interaction immediately. When this option is active, there is no unique identifier to tie an attachment within the file when you first open it. Therefore, you cannot save attachments when you open the ticket. You can add attachments when saving an update after the record has a unique identifier.
    User Operator Full Name? If selected (set to true), uses the operator's Full Name instead of the login ID when time stamping reports (on open, update, and so on) for records in the application environment

    You can use the following table to specify information about the Post Back links:

    Post Back Link Description
    IM Post back Link: The link record used to post information from a related incident to the interaction when the incident is closed.
    ChM Post back Link: The link record used to post information from a related change to the Interaction when the change is closed
    RM Post back Link: The link record used to post information from a related request to the Interaction when the request is closed.
    PbM Post back Link: The link record used to post information from a related problem to the Interaction when the problem is closed.
    Copy/Open Link: The record from which to copy the data. When you copy a record, data from the record specified here is copied to the new record based on the link record.

    You can specify information about the Service Desk Manager Email, Service Desk Group, Service Desk Phone Number, and Service Desk Email. These fields are used in notifications and for assigning the interaction to a default group.

    Tip You can use the field help to view the description for each setting. To view the help on field:

    • Web client: Select a field, and then press F1.
    • Windows client: Select a field, and then press Ctrl+H.
  3. Click Save.

Note If the legacy interaction workflows (not the new streamlined interaction workflows introduced in SM 9.41) are used, you need to manually enable the following settings so that they can take effect:

Setting Description
Service Desk Record Relationship Models
  • Full Service Desk Model: In this model, the state of a Service Desk interaction record changes when each related record closes. The closed state of an interaction record depends on the notification value chosen for the "Notify By" field in the interaction record. For example, if the notification value is "Telephone," the interaction record has a required action before it is closed. This action describes why the customer must be contacted. It also prevents the interaction record from closing until all required actions are complete. In this case, the interaction record goes into the Callback state before it is closed. For more information, see Full Service Desk model.
  • All Records close Independently: In this model, all Service Desk interaction records close independently. The state of related records does not affect closing an interaction record, and closing the interaction record does not affect related records.
  • Close Interactions when Related Record closes: In this model, when the last related record closes, the Service Desk interaction record closes.
  • Cannot close Related Record until Interactions are closed: In this model, records related to a Service Desk interaction cannot close until the interaction record is closed.
  • Cannot close Interactions until Related Records are closed: In this model, a Service Desk interaction record cannot close until all related Incident Management records, Change Management records, and Request Management records are closed.
Return to Blank Interaction? If selected (set to true), returns the user to a blank (new) Interaction screen after the creation of an Incident record. If cleared (set to false), the user will return to the Interaction they created the Incident from.
Post resolution to Interactions? If selected (set to true), posts the resolution of a closed ticket to the related Interaction report.
Copy Associations of Cloned Interactions? Copies the associations of a cloned interaction.