Modify an out-of-box decorator

Applies to User Roles:

System Administrator

You can modify the out-of-box decorators that are shown in the visualization diagrams from the Configuration Management module.

To modify an out-of-box decorator, follow these steps:

  1. Click Configuration Management > Administration > Configure CI Visualization > Decorators.
  2. Use search or advanced search to find one or more records.

    Note Make sure that the Disable Decorator option is disabled. If you enable this option, the decorator is not displayed in the visualization diagram.

  3. Edit the icon if needed.

    • For Windows clients: To Add, Save As, or Remove the icon, right-click the image and select an action from the menu.
    • For web clients: Click Remove to remove the existing image, and then click Specify Image to replace the existing image with a new one.
  4. In the Category Label menu, the decorator label type is selected with the out-of-box settings. You can modify this field with Change, Critical, or Incident.
  5. Add or modify Conditions.
  6. You can use the Decorator Position menu to select where the decorator appears relative to the base image. The default setting is the lower right corner.
  7. Select a priority from the Priority menu or accept the default setting.
  8. Modify the line color to show upstream and downstream relationships:
    • Modify the line color for upstream relationships by selecting the highlight color from the Upstream Highlight Color menu or accept the default settings.
    • Modify the line color for downstream relationships by selecting the highlight color from the Downstream Highlight Color menu or accept the default settings.
  9. Edit the information that displays when users hover over the decorator image:
    • In the Tooltip section of the record, you can add or edit the fields that show data when hovering over the decorator image in the visualization diagram.
    • In the Group Label field, you can type a group label to use when a user hovers the mouse pointer over the decorator image with a group label or accept the default settings.
  10. When you finish modifying the decorator, click Save and click OK.
  11. Log off and log back on to view your changes.