Administer > Database Administration > Attachments > Support for blocking attachments with certain file extensions > Add .unsafe to the list of file extensions to skip for knowledgebase indexing

Add .unsafe to the list of file extensions to skip for knowledgebase indexing

Applies to User Roles:

System Administrator

To prevent Service Manager from indexing .unsafe attachments for knowledgebase searches, you need to add .unsafe to the list of file extensions that should not be indexed or extracted. You do so by updating the following sclib type knowledgebases: Iincident_Library, Interaction_Library, Knowledge_Library, Knownerror_Library, and Problem_Library.

Note: This task requires that you have a search engine installed and correctly configured.

To add .unsafe to the list of file extensions to skip:

  1. Click Knowledge Management > Configuration > Knowledgebases.
  2. Click Search.

    A list of records displays: Iincident_Library, Interaction_Library, Knowledge_Library, Knownerror_Library, and Problem_Library.

  3. Select a record in the list, and click the Type information tab.
  4. In the Skip these extensions field, add .unsafe to the existing file extension list, using a semi-colon as the separator. For example, jpg;bmp;gif;exe;unl;unsafe
  5. Click Save.
  6. For the other records in the record list, repeat steps 3 through 5.