Customizing BDM mapping configuration

System Administrators can define key-value pairs that can be shared by SM callbacks and BDM callbacks in BDM mapping records. With this functionality, administrators only need to update these key values in one place instead of in individual callbacks.

To customize BDM mapping configuration:

  1. Log in to the Windows client as a System Administrator.
  2. Click System Administration > Ongoing Maintenance > BDM Mapping Management.
  3. In the Version field, select a value. For example, 1.2.
  4. Click Search. The mapping record incident is displayed.
  5. Select the Configuration tab. A two-column table is displayed. This table defines key-value pairs that can be used in BDM mapping callbacks.

    • Name: Defines the name of a key to be used in callbacks.
    • Value: Defines the value of the key.

    Out-of-box, there are three keys: Host, Port, and AppName.

  6. Type key-value pairs in the table. For example, you can type values for the following out-of-box keys:

    • Host:
    • Port: 8080
    • AppName: webtier-9.30
  7. To view an out-of-box example of using these keys:

    1. Select the Field Mapping tab, and locate the SM Object Field named affected.item.
    2. In this field section, locate the row in which the BDM Object Field/Attribute value is: affects/configuration_item/smns:drilldown_url
    3. Click the BDM Callback in the same row, right-click it and then select Magnify.

      The callback code displays in a pop-up text window.

    4. Find the following strings, which contain the three out-of-box key names.
      - $ctx.getMappingConfiguration()['Host']
      - $ctx.getMappingConfiguration()['Port']
      - $ctx.getMappingConfiguration()['AppName'])
  8. To use a defined key in a callback:

    1. Select the Field Mapping tab, click a callback in the SM Callback or BDM Callback column. Right-click the callback and select Magnify.

      The callback code displays in a pop-up text window.

    2. Edit the callback code using the following syntax:

      $ctx.getMappingConfiguration()['Host'], where Host should be replaced with your key name.

    3. Click Save and Close.
  9. To test the values you have defined for the out-of-box keys:

    1. Send a REST request by launching this URL in a web browser: http://<SM_serverHost>:<Port>/SM/7/rest/1.2/incident_list/reference_number/IM10002.

      A login window is displayed.

    2. Type a valid Service Manager username/password (for example, System.Admin/blank password), and click OK.

      The REST request response is displayed.

    3. Locate this string: <smns:drilldown_url>http://<hostname>:<port>/<AppName>/, where <hostname>, <port>, and <AppName> should be replaced with the values of Host, Port, and AppName, respectively.