Develop > Operational Reports Guide > Report Descriptions and Usage > Knowledge Management Reports > Knowledge Management Usage by Department (for SD Interactions)

Knowledge Management Usage by Department (for SD Interactions)


The Knowledge Management usage by department (for SD Interactions) report breaks down closed Service Desk (SD) interactions by department that use Knowledge Management (KM) documents as solutions to close an interaction. This report contains a bar graph of the ten departments that used the most documents as solutions. Additionally, there is a bar for the other departments with closed interactions. You can double-click any bar to display a detailed breakdown of that department’s closed interactions using KM documents. This report organizes the information using groups to help users quickly view total counts by department.

Customer Value

This report provides a quick view of closed interactions for a specified time period where KM documents contributed to the resolution. The totals displayed in group headings allow for quick determination of which departments are generating SD interactions being closed using KM documents. This information can then be used to determine if the KM document content for a particular area needs to be increased or updated. This provides the KM Manager with a comprehensive overview of whether or not there are enough documents to solve issues coming from a certain department.