Develop > Operational Reports Guide > Report Descriptions and Usage > Knowledge Management Reports > Self-Service Escalated Knowledge Management Search Escalation

Self-Service Escalated Knowledge Management Search Escalation


The Self-Service Escalated Knowledge Management Search Escalation report breaks down the ESS searches by two states: Escalated search and Non-Escalated search. This report contains a graphical representation of the breakdown of escalated versus non-escalated ESS searches using a pie chart. You can double-click any piece of the pie to display a detailed breakdown of that state by user ID and search date, etc.

Customer Value

This report provides a comprehensive overview of the number of escalated ESS searches for a specified time period. If the number of escalated ESS searches is high, it indicates that the number of interactions these searches result in could be high. This information can then be used by the KM Manager to identify areas in which the Knowledge Management database can be enhanced with knowledge articles for end users to solve issues.