Develop > Operational Reports Guide > Report Descriptions and Usage > Configuration Management Reports > Percentage of Configuration Items Related to Other Configuration Items

Percentage of Configuration Items Related to Other Configuration Items


The Percentage of Configuration Items Related to Other Configuration Items report provides an overview of the number of CIs within the CMDB for which the relationship with other CIs has been defined compared to the total number of CIs within the Configuration Management System (CMS). It only shows the relationship between CIs. This report contains a graphical representation of the breakdown of all CIs by relationship with other CIs using a pie chart. You can double-click the 'CI related to other CIs' piece of the pie to display a detailed breakdown of that CI type by its subtypes. This report organizes the information using groups and sub-groups to help users quickly view percentages and total counts by type and subtype of CIs.

Customer Value

This report provides information about the maturity of the CMDB to support the service management processes. It adds value to the CMDB to register the relationships between CIs instead of only registering the elements. This report also provides insight in the service structures that is used in Problem Management (problem investigation and diagnosis) and Change Management (change assessment and planning). The results of this report can be used by Configuration Management. The maturity of the CMDB is an indicator for the maturity of all other service management processes (there is no use for a mature CMDB when the information is not used).