Using the HTML Editor

To add HTML, simply type or paste text into the HTML Editor and format it as desired. The Knowledge Management and Knowledge Management Extended toolbars enable you to switch between source and WYSIWYG mode. If you have a Knowledge Management toolbar, you can view the HTML source code and edit it directly.

Note While in WYSIWYG mode, the editor makes choices about how to apply the tags you select. If you want more control over how the tags are applied, ask your administrator for a Knowledge Management toolbar and use source mode for editing.

In the Windows client and web client, press Enter for a new paragraph <p> and press Shift+Enter for a line break <br>. To exit a numbered or bulleted list and start a new paragraph <p>, you can press Enter twice.

The HTML Viewer will render valid HTML, but you must ensure that the HTML you enter is valid and is properly integrated into the HTML document. For example:

  • If you paste in HTML containing a JavaScript requiring a file provided by another application, that JavaScript will not work in the HTML Viewer.
  • If you copy an HTML form with buttons, the form will render, but the buttons will not work in the HTML Viewer.

In the Windows client, if you paste text from a Microsoft Word document into the HTML Editor, the editor opens a window that allows you to select options to clean the HTML work created.