Discovery Modules/Jobs Window

Enables you to view and manage modules and jobs, to activate jobs, and to follow job progress.

To access Select Data Flow Management > Universal Discovery > Discovery Modules/Jobs tab.
Important information
  • This tab is suitable for advanced users of Universal Discovery only.

  • Each change you make in the Universal Discovery window is delivered to and stored in the CMDB. From there, the changes are sent to the Probe. You can verify that changes have been sent to the Probe by opening the wrapperProbe.log file located in C:\UCMDB\DataFlowProbe\runtime\logs\ and searching for the following lines:

    processing document domainScopeDocument.xml

    Processing document domainScopeDocument.xml is done.

Relevant tasks
See also

User interface elements are described below:

UI Element (A–Z) Description
Dependency Map tab Displays a visual representation of the real-time progress of the process. For details, see Discovery Module/Jobs – Dependency Map Tab.
Details tab Enables you to manage a module's CIs and view CI statistics. For details, see Discovery Module/Jobs – Details Tab.
Discovery Modules pane Each module includes jobs. You activate a module or job to discover a specific group of CIs. For details, see Discovery Modules/Jobs – Discovery Modules Pane.
Properties tab Enables you to view and administer the properties of modules and jobs. For details, see Discovery Modules/Jobs – Properties Tab.