Use > Modeling > Modeling > Modeling Studio > View Formats

View Formats

Universal CMDB supports three view formats that can be used to populate your view:

  • Pattern views are built from a Topology Query Language (TQL) query that defines the structure of the view. You can create a new TQL query as you build the view or base the view on an existing query. The view displays only those CIs and relationships that satisfy the query definition. When the view is displayed or refreshed, the Modeling Studio queries the CMDB for all elements that fit the query, and automatically updates the view with those elements.

  • Template based views are based on a TQL query, to which a template is then applied. The template is a reusable view that includes parameters, which are saved as part of the template. This enables you to build multiple views with the same settings without having to re-enter the parameter information. The view displays only those CIs and relationships that satisfy the query definition and the conditions of the template. For details on templates, see Templates and Perspectives.

  • Perspective-based views are built by selecting a collection of individual CIs and applying a special type of template, known as a perspective, to it. Instance views, which no longer exist, are replaced by perspective-based views. For details on perspectives, see Templates and Perspectives.

When you select a view for editing from the view tree in the left pane, it opens on the editing pane in the appropriate editor.

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