Enrichment Manager Page

This page enables you to define Enrichment rules. These rules, which are based on a specific TQL query, can be used for several purposes, including:

  • Adding new CIs and relationships to the CMDB.

  • Deleting specific CI instances from the CMDB.

  • Updating the attribute values of specific CI instances in the CMDB.

To access Select Enrichment Manager from the Navigation Menu or select Managers > Modeling > Enrichment Manager.
Important information Enrichment Manager has two modes in which you can work. Always check the Enrichment/Query mode list on the toolbar to verify the currently selected mode.
Relevant tasks

How to Define an Enrichment Rule – Scenario

How to Define a Tenant Association Rule

See also

Enrichment Rules Pane

This area displays a hierarchical tree structure of predefined folders and Enrichment rules. Each Enrichment rule is associated with a TQL query.

Important information

You can create your own Enrichment rule, or work with the out-of-the-box (factory) Enrichment rules provided with your Universal CMDB installation.

The default folders are provided for the out-of-the-box queries. You can modify these folders, or add additional folders according to your organization's requirements.

You can drag and drop Enrichment rules or folders to move them from one folder to another.

User interface elements are described below:

UI Element (A-Z) Description
New Folder. Creates a new folder.

New. Creates an Enrichment rule. Opens the New Enrichment Rule wizard.

Note In a multi-tenancy environment, click the small arrow to the right of the button to display the options. New Enrichment Rule opens the New Enrichment Rule wizard. New Tenant Association Rule opens the New Tenant Association Rule wizard.

Delete. Deletes the selected folder or Enrichment rule.
Refresh. Refreshes the data content of the hierarchical tree structure that may have been modified by other users.
Save. Saves the Enrichment rule to the CMDB. (Enabled only when an Enrichment rule is created or when changes are made to an existing one.)
Properties. Opens the New Enrichment Rule/Properties wizard. Enables you to change the description and the activation state of the Enrichment rule.

Preview. Generates a preview of the results of the selected Enrichment rule.

Note This button is not available when multi-tenancy is enabled.

Represents a folder.
Represents an Enrichment rule.

Represents a Tenant Association rule.

Note This icon is only relevant when multi-tenancy is enabled.

<Enrichment Rule tree>

Displays the existing Enrichment rules in tree format.

Note Only Enrichment rules appear in the tree. TQL queries of type Enrichment (created in the Modeling Studio) do not appear in the tree.

The following elements are available by right-clicking a folder or Enrichment rule:

UI Element (A-Z) Description
Delete Deletes the selected folder or Enrichment rule.
Export To XML Displays a standard Save As dialog box, enabling you to save the Enrichment rule as an XML script. This option can be used to move an Enrichment rule from one workstation to another, provided the related TQL query is also relocated.
Import From XML Imports XML files that contain saved Enrichment queries to the Enrichment Manager.
New Enrichment Rule Creates an Enrichment rule. Opens the New Enrichment Rule wizard.
New Folder Creates a new folder.
New Tenant Association Rule Creates a Tenant Association rule. Opens the New Tenant Association Rule wizard.
Preview Generates a preview of the results of the selected Enrichment rule.
Properties Opens the New Enrichment Rule/Properties wizard. Enables you to change the description and the activation state of the rule.
Rename Folder Renames the folder.
Save (Enabled only when a new Enrichment query is created or when changes are made to an existing one.) Saves the Enrichment rule to the CMDB.
Save As Displays the Save As Enrichment Rule wizard, enabling you to define a new name and description for a query. This option can be used for creating a new Enrichment rule based on an existing one.

Editing Pane

This area enables you to create and define Enrichment query nodes and relationships.

Important information
  • When you select a folder in the Enrichment Rules pane, the editing pane is empty.

  • When you select an Enrichment rule in the Enrichment Rules pane, the editing pane displays the selected rule, which consists of TQL query nodes that are defined in the TQL query and the relationships between them, and the Enrichment query nodes and relationships that are created and added to the rule.

  • The Enrichment Manager has two modes in which you can work: Enrichment mode and Query mode.

    The mode in which you are working determines the options that appear in the shortcut menu. For details, see the editing pane description below.

  • You can calculate the number of instances that were created as a result of an Enrichment rule and remove the instances created from an Enrichment rule from the CMDB. For details, see Additions Count and Remove Enrichment Results.

Relevant tasks How to Define an Enrichment Rule – Scenario
See also For details on how to create a TQL query, see How to Add Query Nodes and Relationships to a TQL Query.

User interface elements are described below (unlabeled elements are shown in angle brackets):

UI Element (A-Z) Description
Indicates an added Enrichment query node or relationship.
Indicates a query node or relationship that has been deleted from the CMDB.
Indicates an updated query node or relationship.

Query and Enrichment mode

The Enrichment Manager has two modes in which you can work: Enrichment mode and Query mode.

Working in:

  • Query mode enables you to define regular (non-Enrichment) relationships and query nodes and add them to the TQL query you defined.

  • Enrichment mode enables you to define Enrichment relationships and query nodes and add them to the TQL query you defined.

<Main Menu> For details, see Main Menu.
<Query Node> A component from which TQL queries are built.
<Relationship> The entity that defines the relationship between two query nodes.
<Shortcut menu> options For details, see Shortcut Menu Options.
<Toolbar> For details, see Toolbar Options.

Hold the cursor over a query node or relationship to view its tooltip.

The tooltips contain the following information:

CI Type Selector

This area displays a hierarchical tree structure of the CI Types found in the CMDB.

Important information

The CI Type Selector is part of Enrichment Manager, Impact Analysis Manager, and Trigger TQL Editor.

To create or modify a TQL query, click and drag query nodes to the Editing pane and define the relationship between them. Your changes are saved to the CMDB. For details, see How to Add Query Nodes and Relationships to a TQL Query.

Note The number of instances of each CIT in the CMDB is displayed to the right of each CIT.

Relevant tasks

User interface elements are described below (unlabeled elements are shown in angle brackets):

UI Elements (A-Z) Description
Add CI Type to Map. Moves the selected CI type to the Editing pane.
Refresh. Refreshes the CI type tree.
Search. Searches for the CI type entered.
Expand All. Expands all subtrees within the CI type tree.
Collapse All. Collapses the subtrees within the CI type tree.
<Search window> Enter the name or part of a name of a CI type for which to search.

Shortcut Menu Options

The CI Type Selector includes the following elements (listed alphabetically) available by right-clicking a CI Type:

Menu Item Description
Add CI Type to Map Select to add the selected CI type to the Editing pane.
Go to CI Type Definition Takes you directly to the selected CI type in CIT Manager.
Show CIT Instances Opens the CIT Instances window, which displays all instances of the selected CIT. For details, see CI Instances Dialog Box.