Troubleshoot > Troubleshooting and Limitations – Integrations > Troubleshooting and Limitations – Importing Data from External Sources

Troubleshooting and Limitations – Importing Data from External Sources

  • Problem: When CIs imported from a CSV file are displayed in the Statistics Results pane, one more CI than expected is included in the results. This is because the first row of the CSV file contains column headings that are considered as CIs.

    Solution: For details on defining from which row DFM should read the CSV file, see CSV Files with Column Titles in First Row.

  • Problem: When importing large CSV or properties files on the network, there may be time-out issues.

    Solution: Make sure the files are not large.

  • Limitation: When importing data from an external database, and the data includes a null value, it is sent to UCMDB with an attribute value of None.

  • Limitation: The DFM Probe breaks down the imported data into 20 KB chunks. This can cause identification issues.