Appendix: OO Settings

This section is provided as a reference only.

The following areas contain settings that can be configured from OO Studio:


Remote Action Services
Setting Description

Required. The name and URL that accesses the RAS used by OO Central.

Recommend the following value:


where <FQDN> is the fully qualified domain name or IP address of the Operations Orchestration host. Do not use localhost in the URL. Using localhost does not work correctly even though it appears to work when you run Operations Orchestration Studio on the same machine as the RAS.

RAS must be run on the same system as Operations Orchestration Studio. Running Operations Orchestration Studio on another machine produces errors and turns flows red with a cryptic error message about result assignments to result variables that do not exist.


System Accounts
Setting Description

Required. Credentials for CSA REST authentication.

It is recommended that you set the Credentials to the following values:

  • User Name: ooInboundUser
  • Password: cloud

Note The User Name configured for the CSA_REST_CREDENTIALS System Account setting must match the Property Value (Operations Orchestration version 9.07) or Override Value (Operations Orchestration version 10.50) configured for the CSA_OO_USER System Property setting.


System Properties
Setting Description

Required. The amount of time, in seconds, to wait for a DMA workflow to complete.

Default Property Value:



Required. The name of the Network Automation command script to create a VLAN that was imported when you integrated Network Automation with CSA.

Default Property Value:

HPN Create Vlan


Required. The name of the Network Automation command script to delete a VLAN that was imported when you integrated Network Automation with CSA.

Default Property Value:

HPN Delete Vlan


Required. The user that communicates with CSA using the REST API.

Default Property Value:


Note The Property Value (Operations Orchestration version 9.07) or Override Value (Operations Orchestration version 10.50) configured for the CSA_OO_USER System Property setting must match the User Name configured for the CSA_REST_CREDENTIALS System Account setting.


Required. The URI used to communicate with CSA using the REST API.

Recommend the following Property Value:



Required. SiteScope monitoring lock ID.

Default Property Value:

SiteScope Lock for Deploying Monitors


Required. The default name of the SiteScope root monitor group path.

Default Property Value:

CSA Monitors


Required. The amount of time, in seconds, to wait before acquiring the SiteScope monitoring lock. This time may be increased if there are a large number of subscription requests.

Default Property Value:



Required. How often, in seconds, properties are collected about a deployed virtual machine.

Default Property Value: