Configure Secure Connections for Operations Orchestration Load Balancer

If the Operations Orchestration Load Balancer (OO LB) server requires a secure connection, follow these steps to import the OO LB server Certificate Authority's root certificate into the Java truststore of CSA. If necessary, contact your OO LB administrator to obtain the OO LB server certificate.

Note If you have configured CSA to be compliant with FIPS 140-2, you must substitute the CSA server truststore (for example, csa_server_truststore.p12) for the Java truststore (cacerts) and substitute the CSA server truststore password for the Java truststore password (changeit) in the examples. See the Cloud Service Automation FIPS 140-2 Compliance Configuration Guide for more information about the CSA server truststore and password.

For each system running CSA, import the root certificate of OO LB's Certificate Authority into CSA (you must first export OO LB's certificate from OO LB's truststore and then import it into CSA's truststore).

  1. Open OO LB in a Web browser (using https).
  2. Export the certificate from the Web browser.

    If you are using a Chrome Web browser, do the following:

    1. In the address bar, click the lock icon with the red X over it and select certificate information.
    2. In the Certificate dialog, do the following:
      1. Select the Details tab.
      2. Click Copy to File.
      3. In the Certificate Export Wizard, do the following:
        1. Click Next.
        2. Select Base-64 encoded X.509 (.CER) and click Next.
        3. Click Browse and select a directory in which to save the certificate.
          • If you are running OO LB on the same system as CSA, select the CSA_JRE_HOME/lib/security directory (where CSA_JRE_HOME is the directory in which the JRE that is used by CSA is installed), enter paslb.cer as the file name, and click Save.
          • If you are running OO LB on a system that is not running CSA, select a directory in which to store the certificate file, enter paslb.cer as the file name, and click Save.
        4. Click Next.
        5. Click Finish.
        6. Click OK.
      4. Click OK.

    If you are using a Firefox Web browser, do the following:

    1. Click Add Exception.
    2. In the Add Security Exception dialog, click View.
    3. In the Certificate Viewer, do the following:
      1. Select the Details tab.
      2. Click Export.
      3. Select a directory in which to save the certificate.
        • If you are running OO LB on the same system as CSA, select the
          CSA_JRE_HOME/lib/security directory (where CSA_JRE_HOME is the directory in which the JRE that is used by CSA is installed), enter paslb.cer as the file name, select X.509 Certificate (PEM) as the Type, and click Save.
        • If you are running OO LB on a system that is not running CSA, select a directory in which to store the certificate file, enter paslb.cer as the file name, select X.509 Certificate (PEM) as the Type, and click Save.
      4. Click Close.
    4. Click Cancel.

    If you are using a Windows IE Web browser, do the following:

    1. In the address bar, click Certificate Error and select View certificates.
    2. In the Certificate Export Wizard, do the following:
      1. Select the Details tab.
      2. Click Copy to File.
      3. In the Certificate Export Wizard, do the following:
        1. Click Next.
        2. Select Base-64 encoded X.509 (.CER) and click Next.
        3. Click Browse and select a directory in which to save the certificate.
          • If you are running OO LB on the same system as CSA, select the CSA_JRE_HOME/lib/security directory (where CSA_JRE_HOME is the directory in which the JRE that is used by CSA is installed), enter paslb.cer as the file name, and click Save.
          • If you are running OO LB on a system that is not running CSA, select a directory in which to store the certificate file, enter paslb.cer as the file name, and click Save.
        4. Click Next.
        5. Click Finish.
        6. Click OK.
      4. Click OK.

  3. If you are running OO LB on a system that is not running CSA, copy the paslb.cer file to the CSA_JRE_HOME/lib/security directory on the system running CSA (where CSA_JRE_HOME is the directory in which the JRE that is used by CSA is installed).
  4. On the system running CSA, open a command prompt and run the following commands:


    cd "CSA_JRE_HOME\lib\security"

    -importcert -alias paslb -file paslb.cer
    -keystore cacerts -storepass changeit


    cd CSA_JRE_HOME/lib/security

    -importcert -alias paslb -file paslb.cer
    -keystore cacerts -storepass changeit

    where CSA_JRE_HOME is the directory in which the JRE that is used by CSA is installed.

  5. When prompted to trust the certificate, enter yes.