Enable the Cloud Analytics Side-Bar Menu

HPE IT Business Analytics automatically gathers metrics from CSA to build key performance indicators. It provides scorecards and dashboards so that Resource Supply Managers and Service Business Managers have insight into how to measure and optimize the cost, risk, quality and value of IT services and processes.

In CSA, the Resource Supply Manager, Service Business Manager, and Administrator roles have access to the Cloud Analytics side-bar menu item in the dashboard. Clicking on this menu item displays the next level of menu items (when these sub-menus enabled), which are displayed based on user roles:

  • Resource Supply Managers and Administrators see the Resource Analyticsmenu item which launches a report that measures the cost and usage of resource providers in CSA.
  • Service Business Managers and Administrators see the Service Analytics menu item which launches a report that measures the revenue, cost, and profit margin for business services in CSA.
  • Service Business Managers and Administrators see the Showback Report menu item which launches a showback report for an organization.
  • Resource Supply Managers, Service Business Managers, and Administrators see the Advanced Reporting menu items which launches a standalone version of HPE IT Business Analytics in a separate window and allows for more advanced operations, such as running custom reports and drilling down into additional details about information provided in the report.


  • You must have HPE IT Business Analytics installed and properly configured in your CSA environment.
  • To ensure seamless navigation between the products, make sure that the HP Single Sign-On (HP SSO) for HPE IT Business Analytics is configured to enable logging on to CSA.
  • For SSO between CSA and HPE IT Business Analytics to work successfully, both products must be installed on machines that are in the same Domain. The value of Domain and Protected Domain parameters specified for HP SSO configuration must be the same.

    Note As HP SSO is enabled by default, if you disable HP SSO manually, seamless navigation between CSA/Marketplace Portal and HPE IT Business Analytics will no longer work.

  • You must configure users for both CSA and HPE IT Business Analytics for single sign-on (each user must have the same name and password). You can also configure LDAP users for single sign-on. To enable single sign-on for LDAP users, you must either configure CSA and HPE IT Business Analytics to use the same LDAP source or, if CSA and HPE IT Business Analytics use different LDAP sources, configure the same users in both sources. In either case, the CSA user must be assigned to the appropriate role to access the menu that launch HPE IT Business Analytics and the HPE IT Business Analytics user must be assigned a role that allows it to perform the expected functions in HPE IT Business Analytics.

  • When configuring HP SSO for HPE IT Business Analytics, the initString setting for the Cloud Service Management Console and HPE IT Business Analytics must be configured to the same value. If you are also configuring SSO between HPE IT Business Analytics and the Marketplace Portal, the initString setting must be configured to the same value for the Cloud Service Management Console, the Marketplace Portal, and HPE IT Business Analytics. For the Cloud Service Management Console, initString is configured in the crypto element in the CSA_HOME/jboss-as/standalone/deployments/
    file. Use this setting to configure HPE IT Business Analytics (and the Marketplace Portal).

    The initString value represents a secret key and should be treated as such in your environment. Change the default value of the initString setting for the Cloud Service Management Console.
  • Review the HPE IT Business Analytics Administrator Guide for more information.

To enable HPE IT Business Analytics menu in the Cloud Service Management Console:

  1. Make a backup of the CSA_HOME/jboss‑as/standalone/deployments/csa.war/dashboard/config.json file (where

    CSA_HOME is the directory in which CSA is installed.

  2. Edit the CSA_HOME/jboss‑as/standalone/deployments/csa.war/dashboard/config.json file.
  3. Search for a menu called executive_scorecard. You can search for the second occurrence of the following text: "id": "executive_scorecard".
  4. Enable the first four menus by changing "enabled": false to "enabled": true, and disable the fifth menu by changing "enabled": true to "enabled": false.
  5. In the data section for each of the menus, change <<CONFIGURE_HOST_NAME>> to match the host name of your HPE IT Business Analytics installation.
  6. Save and exit the file.
  7. If you are logged in to the Cloud Service Management Console, clear the browser cache (see Clear the web browser cache for information about how to clear the web browser cache) and refresh the browser to view the changes. Clearing the browser cache is optional (a troubleshooting step).

    Note The changes do not require you to restart CSA.