Configure Security Warning Messages for Marketplace Portal

You can enable or disable security warning messages for the Marketplace Portal as described in the following sections.

Configure Uploaded or Downloaded File Security Warning Messages

You can enable/disable the security warning messages for files that are uploaded or downloaded in the Marketplace Portal.

The default upload message is:

Please make sure the files you upload are safe. Uploading malicious files will have legal consequences.

The default download message is:

Files you download may be potentially unsafe, it is advised to have a local antivirus software to prevent common threats.

To configure the security warning messages for Marketplace Portal:

  1. Open the CSA_HOME/portal/node_modules/mpp-consumption/dist/offerings/config.json file in a text editor.
  2. Find the enableSecurityWarning parameter value and set it to the desired value:

    • true to enable the warning message.
    • false to disable the warning message.

Configure Attach Documents Security Warning Message

You can enable/disable the Attach Documents security warning message on the Offerings page at checkout time in the Marketplace Portal.

The Attach Documents message is:

Security Warning: Please make sure the files you upload are free of viruses and other threats. Deliberately uploading malicious files may have legal consequences.

To configure the Attach Documents security warning message for Marketplace Portal:

  1. Open the CSA_HOME/portal/node_modules/mpp-server/conf/dashboard.json file in a text editor.

  2. Find the "SecurityWarning": "enable" parameter value and set it to the desired value:

    • true to enable the warning message.
    • false to disable the warning message.