Enable Verification of an Imported Service Design, Service Offering, or Catalog Content Archive

Service design, service offering, and catalog content archives provide the ability to preserve these artifacts so they can be used to replicate them on another system or to restore them. CSA provides the ability to import archives of service designs, service offerings, catalogs, and their supported artifacts using the Cloud Service Management Console, Content Archive Tool, or REST APIs. By default, all service design, service offering, or catalog content archives are imported directly, without verification, into CSA.

Note Service designs and catalogs can be imported using the Cloud Service Management Console, Content Archive Tool, or REST APIs. Service offerings can be imported using the Content Archive Tool or REST APIs.

For security reasons, you may want to verify the authenticity of a service design, service offering, or catalog content archive before importing it into CSA. When verification is enabled, CSA does the following:

  • Verifies the digital signature of the content archive
  • Validates the date of the certificate used to sign the content archive
  • Verifies that the content in the content archive has not been modified after it was signed

If the content archive fails one of these validation or verification checks, the content archive will not be imported into CSA.

Caution Verification cannot be enabled for importing a service design, service offering, or catalog content archive using the REST APIs. A service design, service offering, or catalog content archive imported using the REST APIs will always be imported directly. Verification can only be enabled for the Cloud Service Management Console or the Content Archive Tool.

Enabling the verification of imported service design, service offering, and catalog content archives requires that all imported service design, service offering, and catalog content archives be signed. Verification ensures the authenticity of the data within the service design, service offering, or catalog content archive has not been modified after it is signed. The following sections explain how to enable the verification of imported service design, service offering, and catalog content archives and how to sign these content archives so that they may be imported.