Examples Used in this Section

The examples in the following sections use the following information. You may want to customize some of the information to something more suitable for your needs (for example, the name and location of the keystore file or the alias of the certificate in the keystore). If you customize any of the information, be sure to substitute these customizations in all of the examples.

Item Value(s) Used in Examples
JDK installation

Linux: /usr/bin/javac

(CSA does not include a JDK.)

JRE that is used by CSA


(The location where the JRE is installed is referred to as JRE_HOME.)

This JRE may be the OpenJDK JRE that is installed with CSA or a self-installed Oracle JRE (see the Cloud Service Automation System and Software Support Matrix for information about supported versions of the Oracle JRE).


The keytool is available in both the JRE that is used by CSA and the JDK installation. Either keytool may be used.

JRE: JRE_HOME/bin/keytool


  • Linux: /usr/bin/javac/bin/keytool
Content archive

Linux: /tmp/SERVICE_OFFERING_2c9f4ab8b896014ac3520ca7016d.zip


Linux: /tmp/.keystore_archive_signing

Alias used to access the certificate in the keystore csa_archive
Keystore password <keystore_password>