Administer > Configure CSA > Database Administration > Import Large Archives

Import Large Archives

Archives exported from CSA can be imported to install artifacts or update existing artifacts in CSA. Archives can be imported using the CSA Content Archive Tool, the Cloud Service Management Console, or the REST API.

The default configuration for importing archives supports an archive up to 2 MB in size. When an archive larger than 2 MB is imported (typically, a catalog), the import operation may hang or take a very long time to complete. If an archive is larger than 2 MB, it is recommended that you use the Content Archive Tool and increasing the JVM heap size.

Import Large Archives from the Cloud Service Management Console or through the REST API

If you want to import an archive larger than 2 MB, it is recommended that you use the Content Archive Tool. If you must use the Cloud Service Management Console or REST API to import a large archive, you must update the JVM heap size for CSA which requires CSA to be restarted. Also, importing a large archive from the Cloud Service Management Console or through the REST API may slow the performance of CSA.

To increase the JVM heap size before importing a large archive from the Cloud Service Management Console or through the REST API, do the following:

  1. Navigate to /var/vols/itom/core/suite-install/hcm/output directory on the HCM installed machine.
  2. Run the following command to kill all CSA pods:
    • kubectl delete –f hcm-csa.yaml
  3. Open hcm-csa.yaml file and add the following environment variable:
    • - CSA_JBOSS_JVM_OPTS=-Xmx3072M –Xms3072M
  4. Run the following command to create the CSA pods:
    • kubectl create –f hcm-csa.yaml