Configure the load balancer node

Install and configure the load balancer on the load balancer node before setting up the CSA cluster configured for high availability.

Install the load balancer

Install the load balancer following the manufacturer's recommendations. Refer to the manufacturer's documentation for more information.

Configure the load balancer

The load balancer should be configured to balance the workload among the nodes in the CSA/JBoss cluster and the nodes in the Marketplace Portal/Node.js cluster.

Configure the load balancer following the manufacturer's recommendations (refer to the manufacturer's documentation for more information) with the following exceptions:

  • When configuring the load balancer for the Marketplace Portal/Node.js cluster, sticky sessions must be configured. Sticky sessions are required for session persistence between the load balancer and the CSA andMarketplace Portal nodes in a clustered environment. Sessions are not shared across the CSA or Marketplace Portal nodes, thus requiring sticky sessions.
  • By default, CSA supports secure connections using TLSv1.2 and to enable support for TLSv1.2, you must configure the load balancer. CSA configuration can be manually changed to support TLSv1.1 or TLSv1.0, to work with older load balancers or other HTTPS clients that do not support TLSv1.2. However it is not recommended to enable TLSv1.1 or TLSv1.0 for security reasons.
  • The load balancer ProxyTimeOut value should be set to a higher value than the default value. For more details see the Cloud Service Automation Troubleshooting Guide.

Generate the certificate

If you will be configuring a secure connection (using a protocol such as TLS) to communicate from the load balancer to the CSA and Marketplace Portal nodes, you will need to generate the load balancer's certificate (in this document, it will be referred to as load_balancer.crt). Copy this certificate to the CSA_HOME/jboss-as/standalone/configuration directory on the CSA nodes and to the CSA_HOME/portal/conf/ directory on the Marketplace Portal nodes.

Note When configuring CSA, if you intend to refer to the load balancer system by its IP address rather than its fully-qualified domain name, you must generate the certificate with the Subject Alt Name attribute set to the IP address of the load balancer system.

Start the load balancer

You can start the load balancer now (following the manufacturer's recommendations) or after configuring the CSA cluster.