Provider selection internal actions

For more information about provider selection actions, see Provider selection panel.

CSA ships with internal actions to help with provider selection.

  • If you have not configured resource pools on a provider, then the two provider selection actions most likely to be configured on a resource offering are the Build Resource Provider List action and the Select Resource Provider action, which should run in that order. To select the provider already selected by the parent service component, use the Select Resource Provider from Parent action instead of the two previously mentioned actions.
  • If you have configured resource pools on a provider, then the two provider selection actions most likely to be configured on a resource offering are the Build Resource Provider and Pool List action and the Select Resource Provider and Pool action, which should run in that order. To select the provider and pool already selected by the parent service component, use the Select Resource Provider and Pool from Parent action instead of the two previously mentioned actions.

For information about resource accounting actions for resource offerings, see Select Tokens.

See the following table for descriptions of the out-of-the-box internal actions that ship with CSA:

Internal action Description Applies to
Build Resource Provider and Pool List

Builds a candidate list of resource providers and associated resource pools that meet the following requirements:

  • Support the resource offering.
  • Have an Availability of Enabled.
  • If the service offering that references the service design with this action is in a service catalog with resource environments selected, the candidate list is further restricted to only include resource providers in one or more of the selected resource environments.
  • The provider's resource pool has sufficient resource capacity. To determine this, you must consider all measurable properties as configured in the Measurable Properties tab for the resource offerings, as well as the optional Multiplier Property Name field. The resource pool must have enough resource capacity to support all the properties, which requires that each necessary resource type (for example: CPU, Memory, and Storage), based on the measurable properties, be configured on the pool either with a Resource Availability of Unlimited or Available. If Available, the difference between Total Available To CSA and Current CSA Utilization must be sufficient to support the measurable property requirements.

Resource Offering associated with a Service Component

Build Resource Provider List

Builds a candidate list of resource providers that meet the following requirements:

  • Support the resource offering.
  • Have an Availability of Enabled.
  • If the service offering that references the service design with this action is in a service catalog with resource environments selected, the candidate list is further restricted to only include resource providers in one or more of the selected resource environments.

Resource Offering associated with a Service Component

Clone Pattern Clones a service component that is marked as a Pattern into one or more non-pattern service components. The number of service components created is determined by the value of the property specified in Name of the Property for Service Component Count.

Service Component

Decrease Resource Utilization

Decreases the utilization of one or more resources in a resource pool by the values of the measurable properties configured on a resource offering associated with a service component.

Note: The Decrease Resource Utilization action cannot be added to a component, component template, or resource offering. This action runs automatically during Un-reserving when Resource Accounting is enabled for a resource offering associated with a service component.
Resource Offering associated with a Service Component
Increase Resource Utilization

Increases the utilization of one or more resources in a resource pool by the values of the measurable properties configured on a resource offering associated with a service component.

Note: The Increase Resource Utilization action cannot be added to a component, component template, or resource offering. This action runs automatically during Reserving when Resource Accounting is enabled for a resource offering associated with a service component.

Resource Offering associated with a Service Component

Log Messages Writes the user-specified Boolean Input, Integer Input, and String Input property values to the csa.log file. You can include this as an action on a Service Component, Resource Offering associated with a service component, or Resource Offering for use in troubleshooting.

Resource Offering

Resource Offering associated with a Service Component

Service Component

Scale Component Enables scale in and scale out of service components that are marked as Pattern components. Scale out adds child components to parent pattern components. Scale in removes components. Service Component
Select Resource Provider Selects a resource provider from the candidate list that was built by the Build Resource Provider List action. The selected resource provider will be available to resource offering actions in the token RSC_PROVIDER_ID. The selected provider will, optionally, be written to a property on the associated service component if the Provider Property Name input to the action is provided.

Resource Offering associated with a Service Component

Select Resource Provider and Pool Selects a resource pool and provider from the candidate list that was built by the Build Resource Provider and Pool List action. The selected resource provider and pool will be available to resource offering actions in the token RSC_PROVIDER_ID and RSC_POOL_ID, respectively. The selected pool will, optionally, be written to a property on the associated service component if the Pool Property Name input to the action is provided.

Resource Offering associated with a Service Component

Select Resource Provider and Pool from Parent Selects the resource pool and provider already chosen by a service component’s parent service component, as identified by the Parent Component ID and Pool Property Name properties. The selected resource provider and pool will be available to resource offering actions in the token RSC_PROVIDER_ID and RSC_POOL_ID respectively. The selected pool will also be written to a Pool Property Name property on the associated service component.

Resource Offering associated with a Service Component

Select Resource Provider from Parent Selects the resource provider already chosen by a service component’s parent service component, as identified by the Parent Component ID and Provider Property Name properties. The selected resource provider will be available to resource offering actions in the token RSC_PROVIDER_ID. The selected resource provider will also be written to a Provider Property Name property on the associated service component.

Resource Offering associated with a Service Component