Use > Sequenced Designs > Categories > Manage resource category

Manage resource category

For more information about categories, see Resource offering categories.

In the resource offering's landing page, click the gear icon and chose Manage Resource Category. Use the add, edit, or delete icons to add, edit, or delete the category.


Create a resource category

To create a resource category, select By Category from the dropdown, then click the gear icon and select Manage Resource Category. Click the add icon, add the category properties, and then click Create.

Resource category properties:

Item Description
Display Name The display name you provide for the category.
Description The description you provide for the category.

An image that displays for the category. Click Change Image. Choose the image you want, and click Select. Click Upload Image to add your own image. Supported file extensions include .jpg, .jpeg, .gif, and .png. The recommended image size is 256 by 256 pixels, and the image will be scaled to the appropriate size. The images are stored in the %CSA_HOME%\jboss-as\standalone\deployments\csa.war\images\library folder of the CSA server.

Edit a resource category

To edit a resource category, choose to filter By Category, then select the category to edit. Click the gear icon and choose Manage Resource Category. Click the edit icon, edit the category properties, click Save, and then click Done.

Delete a resource category

Categories cannot be deleted:

  • If offerings are using them.
  • If they are out-of-the-box.

To delete a category, choose to filter By Category, then select the category to delete. Click the gear icon and choose Manage Resource Category. Click the delete icon, confirm your deletion, then click Done.