Use > Sequenced Designs > Upgradability > Upgradability restrictions

Upgradability restrictions

When you are in the service design version page, if the message This design is part of an upgrade path and has restricted editability and actions is displayed at the top of the page, certain functions are restricted on the design.

The following items have restrictions when they are in a design that is in an upgrade path, is upgradable from a previous version of the design, and the item existed in that prior version:

  • Resource offerings
  • Service components and properties
  • Service component resource offerings and properties
  • Subscriber option sets
  • Subscriber options and properties

Items that are newly added to the current version of the design can be deleted.

The following actions cannot be performed on items in a design if the design is in an upgrade path, is upgradable from a previous version of the design, and the item existed in that prior version:

  • Deleting a resource offering
  • Deleting a service component
  • Editing the processing order and pattern attributes of a service component
  • Deleting a service component property
  • Editing a service component property: Name
  • Deleting the relationship between two service components
  • Deleting a resource offering that was added to a component
  • Adding or deleting measurable properties
  • Deleting a subscriber option set
  • Deleting a subscriber option
  • Deleting a subscriber option property
  • Editing a subscriber option property: name
  • Editing a subscriber option property: target binding

These actions can be performed on items that are newly added to the current version of the design.

Applying a component template - A component template cannot be applied to a component if it is part of a design that is in an upgrade path, is upgradable from a previous version of the design, and the applied template is missing measurable properties, any measurable properties are added, resource offerings associated with service components are missing, properties are missing, or if there is a mismatch in the component pattern setting between the component and the applied template.