Develop > Develop Content > Extend Content > Content Development Process > Content Development with IDE > Content Pack Contents, Types, and Directories

Content Pack Contents, Types, and Directories

ClosedContent Pack contents

Content Packs include:

  • The definition of the data model used for the connection.

  • The type of data gathered from the data source.

  • The ETL definitions.

  • The definition files.

  • The configuration files.

  • The scripts that help build and define the Data Warehouse.

  • Content Pack directories. Content Packs contain the following directories:

    • STREAM. Contains files that define the ETL stream at the entity level, and the general flow of steps of the ETL process. The files list the order of the steps as well as the link between the parent and child steps. These files are necessary if you have to add a step to the ETL process.

    • Data Model. The Data Model in the Core Content Pack contains the xml files that define the target schema. The Data Model in the Integration Content Pack contains the xml files that define the staging and extraction schema.

    • ETL. Contains the jobs and workflows of the ETL and defines how data goes through the processes.

    • The manifest file provides additional information to the Content Pack to allow the system to perform sets of validations.


ClosedContent Pack Types

  • Target Content Pack. Responsible for the transfer of data from staging to the target database. The Target CP defines the content of the Data Warehouse as well as the look of the target tables.

  • Integrated Content Pack (iCP). The iCPs are responsible for bringing the data from the specific data sources and transforming it into the staging level. From there, the Target CP transfers the data to the target. The iCPs integrate the information from the source, using the DWH schema and loading process in order for the data to be brought to the target tables.

Content Pack Directories