More Info > Security > Secure Implementation and Deployment > Security in ITBA Configurations

Security in ITBA Configurations

ITBA configurations may be deployed in the following two implementations. For more information, see Performance and Sizing..

  1. 2 Servers Configuration (1 server with ITBA, 1 server with DWH, and Vertica, 1 optional server with BOE)
  2. 4 Servers Configuration (1 server with ITBA and DWH, 3 servers with Vertica, 1 optional server with BOE)

All of these implementations share the same basic out-of-the-box security configuration options.

  1. TLS/SSL security was enabled between the browser and the ITBA server by default.
  2. ITBA requires users to enter user name and password credentials to gain access to the application.