Administer > Configure Adaptive Thresholding Aspect

Configure Adaptive Thresholding Aspect

This section includes overview and configuration for adaptive thresholding.

Adaptive Thresholding Aspect is compatible with Operations Agent 12.00 or later. Baseline data computed by Operations Agent is used by the Sys_AdaptiveThresholdingMonitor policy to monitor performance and resource utilization. The Aspect contains a ConfigFile and a Measurement Threshold policies. You must tune the policies to specify the required baseline metric and deviation.

Prerequisite for Deploying

Perform following tasks before deploying the Aspect:

  1. Enable baselining in Operations Agent.

    By default, baselining is disabled on the Operations Agent node. You can enable baselining either through command line or configuration file.

    To enable base using the configuration file, follow the steps:

    1. Open the Policy Template pane:

      Administration > Monitoring > Policy Template.

    2. In the Policy Template Groups pane, expand Policy Management > Templates grouped by type > Configuration > Node Info.
    3. In the Policy Templates pane, select the OPC_PERL_INCLUDE_INSTR_DIR policy and click . The Edit Node Info Policy window opens.
    4. In the Policy Data pane, at the end add the following lines:

    5. Click Save and Close.

    Baseline data is computed only at the end of every hour. If you want the baseline data to be computed immediately after you enable baseline, you must restart the oacore process.

    Run the following command to restart oacore:

    ovc -restart oacore
  2. Define metrics to create baseline metrics.

    Based on the classes defined in the baseline.cfg file, corresponding baseline classes are created in the Metrics Datastore. For every metric specified in the baseline.cfg file, sixteen baseline metrics are created. The original baseline.cfg file is available at %OvDataDir%/conf/sispi/configuration location. The baseline.cfg file is overwritten after the ConfigFile policy is deployed.

  3. Decide where the deviation is required.

    You can configure deviations (N) either in the Sys_ConfigureBaselining policy or in the Sys_AdaptiveThresholdingMonitor policy.

    • To configure deviations for specific metrics, set the deviations in the Sys_ConfigureBaselining policy.
    • To configure deviations for all metrics, set the deviations in the Script-Parameters tab in the Sys_AdaptiveThresholdingMonitor policy.
    • If no deviations are set for a metrics in the Sys_ConfigureBaselining policy, then the deviations set in the Sys_AdaptiveThresholdingMonitor policy are used to calculate adaptive threshold values.
  4. Edit Sys_ConfigureBaselining ConfigFile policy to specify single deviation.

    1. Open the Management Templates & Aspects pane:

      Click Administration > Monitoring > Management Templates & Aspects.

    2. In the Configuration pane, expand Configuration Folders > Infrastructure Management > System Infrastructure Aspects.
    3. In the Management Templates & Aspects pane, select the Adaptive Thresholding Aspect and click . The Edit Aspect window opens.
    4. In the Policy Templates tab, double-click Sys_ConfigureBaselining policy. The Edit ConfigFile Policy window opens.
    5. In the Policy Data tab, specify class, metric and deviation in the following format.

      <Class>:<Metric>,<Warning Deviation>,<Minor Deviation>,<Major Deviation>,<Minimum Value>,<Maximum Value>,<CutOff>

      In this instance:

      • <Class> is the metrics class.
      • <Metric> is the metrics for which baseline data must be computed.

      Only class and metric are mandatory. You can define deviation for specific instance for instance based monitoring.

      For Example,


      For every group, one corresponding CFG file is created. The CFG files are automatically deleted once the instance metric are delete in the policy.

    6. Click Save and Close.
  5. Edit Sys_AdaptiveThresholdingMonitor policy for defining deviation for each metric.

    1. Open the Management Templates & Aspects pane:

      Click Administration > Monitoring > Management Templates & Aspects.

    2. In the Configuration pane, expand Configuration Folders > Infrastructure Management > System Infrastructure Aspects.
    3. In the Management Templates & Aspects pane, select the Adaptive Thresholding Aspect and click . The Edit Aspect window opens.
    4. In the Policy Templates tab, double-click Sys_AdaptiveThresholdingMonitor policy. The Edit ConfigFile Policy window opens.
    5. In the Policy Data tab, you can modify the default parameters in the Policy Parameters tab.

    6. Click Save and Close.
  6. Include the latest version of policies in Aspect and deploy.