Administer > Configure Realtime Resource Bottleneck Aspect

Configure Realtime Resource Bottleneck Aspect

This section includes overview and configuration for monitoring real-time resource bottleneck.

Prerequisite for deploying the aspect:

RealtimeAlerts policy detects the bottlenecks in CPU, disk, memory, and networking. The Realtime Configuration policy defines the threshold for these parameters. During a threshold breach, alert messages notify the system administrator with no time delay and reduce the downtime in production environment.

Also, mention the metrics used and that the policy reads the adv.out file which is a result of the output of file.

Note You must enable RTMA license on the Operations Agent node for RealTimeAlerts policy to fetch real time data.

Prerequisite for deploying the aspect:

You must increase the agent timeout to avoid termination of process before completion of aspect deployment.

Follow these steps to increase the timeout:

  1. Stop the Operations Agent process, run the following command:

    ovc -kill

  2. Edit the default timeout, run the following command:

    ovconfchg -ns eaagt -set OPC_CONFIGFILE_TIMEOUT 60
  3. Set the control notification to true, run the following command:

    ovconfchg -ns conf.core –set ASYNC_CONTROL_NOTIFY TRUE
  4. Start the Operations Agent process, run the following command:

    ovc –start