Administer > Configure Key System Service Availability Aspect

Configure Key System Service Availability Aspect

This section includes overview and configuration for monitoring availability of key system services.

The Aspect monitors the key processes that run in the background to support the different tasks required for the operating system or application.

The Sys_ProcessMonitor policy monitors all the process in the process groups. In the Sys_ProcessMonitorConfig policy, you must specify the process group and location of the procmon.cfg configuration file. You can specify the process group and location of the procmon.cfg configuration file while deploying the Aspect as optional parameters. Alerts are generated whenever the processes defined in the configuration file either do not run as expected or the processes are out of limits during the specified time of the day and day of the week.

After the Aspect is deployed, if the procmon.cfg file is available in the location specified in Sys_ProcessMonitorConfig policy, then the file is overwritten. If the file is not available, then a new file is created in the designated location.


Following is a syntax for editing Sys_ProcessMonitorand Sys_ProcessMonitorConfig policies before deploying.

Syntax for ConfigFile Policy

Process name<tab>Argument<tab>Time of the day<tab>Days of Week<tab>Bounds

In this instance,

  • Process Name: Specifies the name of the process to be monitored.
  • Arguments: Specifies the arguments that are used to distinguish between multiple processes running simultaneously. If no arguments are present, an asterisk (*) must be specified.
  • Time of the day: Specifies the time duration (in the 24-hour format) during which a process failure must be reported.
  • Day of Week: Specifies the day or days to report process failure. Each day of week is identified with a number as listed in the table. 0 being Sunday and 6 being Saturday. Numbers should be separated by commas.
  • Bounds: Specifies the number of instances of named processes. You can specify the number of instance as follows:

    n: An exact number

    n: A minimum of n

    -n: A maximum of n

    m-n: A range of m to n

  • @ severity: Specifies the severity of alert messages such as Minor, Major or Critical. Default severity is Warning.
  • @Start: Specifies the command (<cmd>) that must be run during a process failure.

Scenarios and syntax for customizing ConfigFile policy:

Scenario Sample Syntax
To monitor processes all week during every polling interval
/opt/OV/lbin/eaagt/opcmona	*	1
To monitor processes with more than one argument

Syntax: pr3ocessname<tab>Argument1<space>Argument2<tab>ProcessLimits

Arguments should be separated with space.


/opt/OV/bin/oacore	oacore /var/opt/OV/conf/oa/PipeDefinitions/oacore.xml	1
To monitor processes only at specified time of the day or day of the week




/opt/OV/lbin/agtrep/agtrep	-start	5-23	0,1,2,3	1
To mention the severity of the alert message


severity can be warning,minor,major,critical

Example: @severity=minor

To mention operator initiated command

Syntax: @start=<command to be executed>

Example: @start=ovc -start agtrep