Whats new

This topic presents a brief overview of the product features and enhancements introduced with Operations Connector for Oracle Enterprise Manager (Ops Connector for OEM) version 3.11.

New Features and Enhancements

The Ops Connector for OEM version 3.11 includes the following new features:

  • Support for OEM 13c Domain Manager
  • Integrates Oracle Pluggable database with OMi

  • Database policy-driven metric integration

  • Data collector enhancement for OEM topology

  • New set of Graph Templates (for OMi 10.01) and Performance Dashboards (for OMi 10.10 or later)

  • RTSM topology view that allows to easily visualize the elements discovered by the OEM connector

The Ops Connector for OEM version 3.11 includes the following feature enhancement:

  • Event policy enhancement to reconcile events against WebLogic, J2EE Application and Oracle pluggable database

    This feature enables you to identify the exact configuration items that the events were generated for.

For detailed information, see the corresponding topics and sections of this document.