Use > Server patching > Patch management for Ubuntu > Ubuntu patch management tasks > Finding servers that have an Ubuntu package installed

Finding servers that have an Ubuntu package installed

To find servers that have a particular package installed:

  1. In the navigation pane, select Library. In the By Type tab, select Packages > Ubuntu.
  2. Expand Ubuntu, and select a specific Ubuntu operating system.

    The content pane displays all packages associated with that operating system.

  3. In the content pane, select a package.

  4. From the Search drop-down list in the content pane, select Server Usage.

    You can browse a server in this list to view a list of all installed packages. Notice that this list might display a more complete list of installed patches than the list you will find in the Ubuntu Add or Remove Programs utility.

For each listed binary, the Exposure Time column shows the gap between the Release Date and the Install Date, so you can analyze vulnerability.

An alternative way to find servers that have a particular patch installed:

  1. In the navigation pane, click on the Advanced Search link.
  2. In the Advanced Search pane, set Search: For Servers.
  3. Set Where: to Installed Software.

    1. Set appropriate values (e.g., equals, contains, etc.).
    2. Specify the name of the patch.
  1. Press the Search button.