Use > Server patching > Patch management for Ubuntu > Ubuntu patch management tasks > Importing Ubuntu patch contents from the managed servers view

Importing Ubuntu patch contents from the managed servers view

An Import Contents menu option is available from the Managed Servers view that enables you to import package contents from a file. Ubuntu package contents (binaries) can be imported directly from the vendor as well.

To import patch contents from the All Managed Servers view:

  1. Log in to the SA Client with Manage Patch (Read and Write) permissions.
  2. Navigate to Devices > All Managed Servers.
  3. Under View, select Patches.
  4. In the Patches content pane, select one or multiple packages.
  5. Right-click and select Import Contents and select From Vendor… or From File….

    Singular package content can be downloaded from a local file or directly from a vendor. However, if multiple packages are selected, only the "From Vendor…" option is available.

    • From Vendor…: This option enables you to import package contents directly from the vendor. (Note: This option is only available for Ubuntu packages.)

    • From File…: This option enables you to import package contents from a local file that is accessible from the system where the SA Client is running.