Use > Server patching > Patch management for Ubuntu > Ubuntu patch management tasks > Importing an Ubuntu patch from the SA Client Library

Importing an Ubuntu patch from the SA Client Library

Ubuntu packages are downloaded from the Ubuntu web site and then imported (uploaded) into Server Automation. To verify whether a package has been imported, view the package’s Availability property. The Availability of an imported package is either Limited, Available, or Deprecated.

To import a patch with the SA Client:

  1. In the navigation pane, select Library. In the By Type tab, select Packages > Ubuntu.
  2. Expand Ubuntuand select a specific Ubuntu operating system.

    The content pane displays all packages associated with that operating system.

  3. In the content pane, select a package.

  4. To import a package directly from the Ubuntu web site, from the Actions menu, select Import Contents > Import from Vendor.

    The Import from Vendor window displays the URL of the package’s location on the Ubuntu web site. (Optional) You can override this URL.


    To import a package that has already been downloaded to your local file system, from the Actions menu, select Import> Import from File.

    In the file browser window, locate the package.

  5. Click Import.