Converting a Dynamic Group to a Static Group

You can convert a dynamic device group to a static device group. When a dynamic device group is converted to a static device group, all the servers that match the rules at that time are placed in the static device group, but the rules used to define the server membership are lost. To convert a dynamic group to a static group, perform the following steps.

  1. From the Navigation pane, select Devices > Device Groups. The list of device groups appear in the Content pane.
  2. From the Navigation pane, navigate to a dynamic device group.

    You can determine whether a device group is static or dynamic from the icon next to its name as described in Device Group Status and Icons.
  3. From the Content pane, select the dynamic device group.
  4. Select the Actions > Open menu item. This displays information about the device group in a new window.
  5. In the Views navigation panel on the left, select Properties. This displays detailed information about the device group.
  6. Locate the Type row and drop-down list next to it. In the drop-down list, select Static.
  7. Select the File > Save menu item. This saves the group as a static group. All the rules that were used to define the dynamic group are lost.