Recalculating the Members of a Dynamic Device Group

SA automatically recalculates the members of every device group every hour and whenever any device attribute changes or when a dynamic device group rule changes. SA examines the rules you have defined and determines which servers satisfy the rules. The SA Client displays when the last recalculation occurred in the Properties view for each dynamic device group.

You can also manually recalculate the members of a dynamic device group by performing the following steps.

  1. In the SA Client, select the Devices tab.
  2. Navigate to the desired device group under the Device Groups node in the navigation pane.
  3. Select one or more dynamic device groups.
  4. Select the Actions menu or right-click and select Device Group > Recalculate. SA examines the dynamic device group rules, determines all the managed servers that match the rules and updates the members of the device group.