Modifying Rules for a Dynamic Device Group

Rules determine which servers are included in a dynamic group. To modify a rule in a dynamic group, perform the following steps.

Note To modify rules for a dynamic public device group, you must have Manage Public Device Group permissions. To obtain these permissions, contact your SA Administrator.

  1. From the Navigation pane, select Devices > Device Groups. The list of device groups appears in the Navigation pane and the Content pane.
  2. In the Navigation pane, navigate to the dynamic device group you want to modify.

    You can determine whether a device group is static or dynamic from the icon next to its name as described in Device Group Status and Icons.
  3. From the Content pane, select the device group and then select the Actions > Open menu item. This opens a Group View window.

    You can determine whether a group is static or dynamic from the Summary View, under Properties, or from the Properties view next to Type.
  4. From the Views pane, select Device Membership. This displays the rules defined for the group in the Content pane. See From the Views pane, select Device Membership. This displays the rules defined for the group in the Content pane. See the following figure.Defining Rules for a Dynamic Device Group.
  5. Modify the rules for the device group as needed. For more information on rules, see About Rules for a Dynamic Device Group and Adding Rules for a Dynamic Device Group.
  6. Click Preview to see the list of servers that satisfy all the rules and are therefore members of the device group.
  7. From the File menu, click Save to save your rules in the dynamic device group.