Use > Virtualization management > Managing HP-UX virtual servers > Adding an HPVM hypervisor/vPars container

Adding an HPVM hypervisor/vPars container

To add an HPVM hypervisor or vPars container to HP-UX Virtualization Manager management:

  1. Follow the instructions in Launching the HP-UX Virtualization Manager to display the HP-UX Virtual Servers window.
  2. In the HP-UX Virtual Servers window, select the HPVM hypervisor to associate with the new HPVM.
  3. Click .

    The Add Virtual Servers window is displayed (see below).

  1. In the Virtual Servers window, choose the following HPVM search criteria (you can use wild cards to search):

Add Virtual Servers Search




Main field





All servers (including managed and virtual)


Explicit IPs/Hostname

HPVM hypervisors by their IP address or host name


Supply IP Address Range

HPVMs within an IP address range

Search in

All Facilities

HPVMs at all facilities


<specific facility choice>

HPVMs at the specified facility


Virtual Servers only

Only HPVMs


All Servers


  1. Click Search.
  2. In the results field, select the HPVM(s) to be added.
  3. Click Add Server to add the HPVM.

    The new HPVM is added as a managed server in the list below its associated HPVM hypervisor/vPars container.