Managing vSwitches

This section describes how to create, modify, and delete a vSwitch.

HP-UX Virtualization Manager manages vSwitches. To view HPVM/vSwitch settings, go to the HP Integrity Virtual Machines Installation, Configuration, Administration Guide, then choose: HPE Virtualization Software > HP Integrity Virtual Machines and Online VM Migration. For instructions on how to configure LANs and VLANs, see LAN/VLAN documentation.

Creating a vSwitch

To create a vSwitch:

  1. Follow the instructions in Launching the HP-UX Virtualization Manager.
  2. In the HP-UX Virtual Servers window, right-click an HPVM hypervisor.
  3. Choose Create vSwitch to display the Create vSwitch window (see below).

  1. Enter the following information for the new vSwitch:

Create vSwitch




Choose a name for the vSwitch that does not exceed eight (8) characters.

Default: Switch1


Sharable (shared with other HPVMs) or dedicated (associated only with this HPVM)

Default: Shareable

Create a local virtual switch, OR

Select a LAN interface to connect to (must select the LAN from the list)

Local switch that is not connected to another device.

LAN to connect to (Default)

Start the virtual switch after creating

Starts the vSwitch immediately after it is created.

Default: Not selected

Modifying a vSwitch

To modify vSwitch information:

  1. Follow the instructions in Launching the HP-UX Virtualization Manager to access the HP-UX Virtual Servers window.
  2. In the HP-UX Virtual Servers window, right-click a vSwitch.
  3. Choose Modify vSwitch.
  4. Change vSwitch settings.

    The fields that cannot be modified will not be enabled.

Starting a vSwitch

To start a vSwitch:

  1. Follow the instructions in Launching the HP-UX Virtualization Manager to access the HP-UX Virtual Servers window.
  2. In the HP-UX Virtual Servers window, right-click a vSwitch.
  3. Choose Start vSwitch.

Stopping a vSwitch

To stop or halt a vSwitch:

  1. Follow the instructions in Launching the HP-UX Virtualization Manager to access the HP-UX Virtual Servers window.
  2. In the HP-UX Virtual Servers window, right-click a vSwitch.
  3. Choose Stop vSwitch.

Halting or stopping a vSwitch temporarily stops it from performing its functions and allows the manager to reallocate resources assigned to it.

Deleting a vSwitch

To delete a vSwitch from HP-UX Virtualization Manager control:

  1. Follow the instructions in Launching the HP-UX Virtualization Manager to access the HP-UX Virtual Servers window.
  2. In the HP-UX Virtual Servers window, right-click a vSwitch to delete.
  3. Choose Delete vSwitch, and click OK when asked to confirm the deletion.

Configuring VLAN connections

To configure VLAN connections:

  1. Follow the instructions in Launching the HP-UX Virtualization Manager.
  2. In the HP-UX Virtual Servers window, right-click a vSwitch.
  3. Choose Configure VLAN.
  4. For each HPVM, choose the corresponding VLAN ID.